Opdracht les 3

Geen opdracht, enkel lezen van de volgende hadith die is besproken in de les:

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah, the Exalted, has teams of angels who go about on the roads seeking those who remember Allah. When they find some people remembering Allah they call to one another and say, `Come to what you are looking for;’ and they surround them with their wings till the space between them and the lowest sky is fully covered. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, asks them (although He is best informed about every thing): `What are my slave saying?’ They say: `They are glorifying Your Tasbih, Tahmid, Takbir, Tamjid, (i.e., they were declaring Your Perfectness, praising, remembering the Greatness and Majesty of Allah).’ He asks: `Have they seen Me?’ They reply, `No, indeed, they have not seen You.’ He asks: `How would they act if they were to see Me?’ Thereupon they reply: `If they were to see You, they would engage more earnestly in worshipping and glorifying You and would extol You more.’ He would say: `What do they beg of Me?’ They say, `They beg You for Your Jannah.’ Allah says, `Have they seen My Jannah?’ They say, `No, our Rubb.’ He says: `How would they act if they were to see My Jannah?’ They reply, `Were they to see it, they would more intensely eager for it.’ They (the angels) say, `They seek Your Protection.’ He asks, `Against what do they seek My Protection?’ They (the angels) say, `Our Rubb, from the fire of Hell.’ (He, the Rubb) says, `Have they seen the fire of Hell?’ They say, `No. By Your Honour, they have not seen it.’ He says: `How would they act if they were to see My Fire?’ They say: `If they were to see it, they would more earnest in being away from it and fearing it. They beg of Your forgiveness.’ He says: `I call you to witness that I hereby grant pardon to them and confer upon them what they ask for; and grant them protection against what they seek protection from.’ One of the angels says: `Our Rubb, there is amongst them such and such slave who does not belong to the assembly of those who are participating in Your remembrance. He passed by them and sat down with them.’ He says: `I also grant him pardon because they are the people by virtue of whom their associates will not be unfortunate’.”

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «ما اجتمع قوم في بيت من بيوت الله يتلون كتاب الله ويتدارسونه بينهم إلا حفتهم الملائكة وتغشتهم الرحمة وتنزلت عليهم السكينة وذكرهم الله فيمن عنده» (صحيح مسلم: 2700).  



كان رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم يسيرُ في طريقِ مكَّةَ فمَرَّ على جَبلٍ يُقالُ له : جُمْدَانُ فقال : ( سِيروا هذا جُمْدَانُ سبَق المُفرِّدونَ سبَق المُفرِّدونَ ) قالوا : يا رسولَ اللهِ ما المُفرِّدونَ ؟ قال : ( الذَّاكرونَ اللهَ كثيرًا والذَّاكراتُ )


الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : ابن حبان | المصدر : صحيح ابن حبان | الصفحة أو الرقم : 858 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : أخرجه في صحيحه




جاء ذلك في كتب السيرة والسنة، فمن ذلك ما رواه الحاكم، وغيره، عن ابن عباس -رضي الله عنهما-: أن الوليد بن المغيرة جاء إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقرأ عليه القرآن، فكأنه رق له، فبلغ ذلك أبا جهل، فأتاه، فقال: يا عم، إن قومك يرون أن يجمعوا لك مالًا! قال: لم؟ قال: ليعطوكه، فإنك أتيت محمدًا تتعرض لما قبله، قال: قد علمت قريش أني من أكثرها مالًا، قال: فقل فيه قولًا يبلغ قومك أنك منكر له، أو أنك كاره له، قال: وماذا أقول؟! فوالله، ما فيكم من رجل أعلم بالأشعار مني، ولا أعلم برجزه، ولا بقصيده، ولا بأشعار الجن مني، والله، ما يشبه الذي يقول شيئًا من هذا، والله، إن لقوله الذي يقول حلاوة، وإن عليه لطلاوة، وإنه لمثمر أعلاه، مغدق أسفله، وإنه ليعلو وما يعلى، وإنه ليحطم ما تحته، قال: لا يرضى عنك قومك حتى تقول فيه! قال: فدعني حتى أفكر، فلما فكر، قال: (هذا سحر يؤثر) يأثره عن غيره، فنزلت: ذرني ومن خلقت وحيدًا. قال الحاكمهذا حديث صحيح الإسناد على شرط البخاري، ولم يخرجاه، ووافقه الذهبي.



Farid al-Ansari – Wikipedia